Arithmetic Of Success


In my first article, I delved into and also espoused the idea why you should trust your instinct [The Integrative Post, May 1, 2016] to do well in life. In this piece, I connect your instinct to success — or, what makes your instinct your road-map to success.

First, let’s relate ourselves to the psychological and arithmetic process of success. This includes:

  • Intention
  • Attention
  • Love
  • Belief
  • Action
  • Results.

Inference? Your results are directly correlated to intention, attention, and balance.

As you’d sure know, energy flows where attention resides:

  • Your intention carries energy
  • Your attention carries energy
  • Love carries energy
  • Belief carries energy
  • Action carries energy
  • Results carry energy.


Unless you truly love your talent, service, or your products, you won’t make it to the finish line of success. In addition, you’d also need to ‘comprehend’ that function-processes of energy of love, energy of belief, action and results, are forms of energy derived from your conative power [instinct]. When ignited, it follows the tangible rules and dynamics of arithmetic.

Arithmetic clearly shows us that 1+1=2 and not 3, if you want to reach 3, you will have to add another 1 to reach 3. There is no shortcut to 3; similarly, there is no shortcut to wealth. But, there are fast strategic models to success and wealth.

Imagine this. Intention + attention + love = unwavering belief + action = results.

You sure can’t have one without the other; they are correlated with each other. So, if you have a skill, but no love for that skill, you lose the skill, and vice versa.

When I say, for instance, love, I don’t mean the kind of love that is mentalised, but love that is ‘heartalised.’ In other words, it connotes the feeling of believing, the feeling of seeing in your mind’s eye, the kind of success you desire, that you praise, you thank, or you bring about, by taking action.

Once you understand how things work, you can consciously reproduce them mentally and physically. Remember: until you comprehend the conative success behaviour, you leave it to chance, because leaving your intention to chance has a high probability of risk and also failure.

Now, you may become successful for, say a year, but how can you sustain long-term success? It is important to prepare yourself to understand the law of sustainability, for long-term success.

You see there are a number of short-lived successful people around, and just a few are long-term successes; why is that? Because, their psychological arithmetic is faulty; why do I think so? Well, despite understanding the correlation of intention, attention, love and belief, which motivate them to take action and achieve results, these folks often leave their long-term success to chance.

What’s more, many success enthusiasts try to get results quickly from the concept of 1+1=3, rather than 1+1+1=3. This is clearly not the way one should go about looking for success in life.


You’d do well to think that your intention, attention, love, belief, action, and results are triggered by neuro-associative re-enforcement of pain and pleasure. This is an important neurological science fact that you must understand. It is to say that our consciousness seems to be inherently representational — our consciousness seems to have a representational content. It allows us to see things in a certain way, such as our ideas of things, colour, shape, and people.

To chunk this information into further explanation of consciousness, one may say that consciousness is part of a neural network, with neurons having a representational content. The neuroscience philosopher David Chalmers discusses this as “Neural Correlative Consciousness… when it gets its content right, [and] when that content represents the content of consciousness.”

When you think about what Chalmers says, it seems that we are talking about the same thing with two different terminologies. Or, as Francis Crick and Christof Koch explicate, consciousness can be expressed as access consciousness and phenomenal consciousness. To pick an exemplar: the idea of water and H20. They are different ideas of the same thing, existing in our brain.

If you are interested to investigate the idea further, you can look it up in the papers that Crick and Koch have published. Their orientation raises interesting scientific and philosophic arguments.

For now, our task is to simplify our understanding of consciousness — that neuro-associative mental events of pain and pleasure are what that motivate the human race to take action. It is also actually this neuro-association of pain and pleasure that cause and affect human behaviour in real time. What’s more, without the two neuro-psychological processes, we would not be able to function well in our life. Worse still, we’d not be able to use our instinct to succeed in life.