Author Archives: Alex Horsman

Libertarian Versus Liberal: The Fight For Liberty

ALEX HORSMAN The Libertarian vs Liberal debate is confusing for some, but once you understand it, it’s clear as day. While both of these political thought processes have some areas that overlap, you’ll soon understand the fundamental differences between the history, modernization, and 20th century belief systems behind them.   DEFINING A LIBERTARIAN   The foundation of Libertarianism […]

Robert Nocizk: Rembrandt Of Libertarianism

ALEX HORSMAN Robert Nozick was one of Harvard’s most distinguished professors, a president of the Eastern Division of the American Philosophical Association, and the author of several influential books. Robert Nozick quotes, while not as numerous as those of better-known libertarian thought leaders [Murray Rothbard and Friedrich Hayek come to mind] are nevertheless illuminating. Nozick was born to […]