You Begin You Win


Stop fearing defeats; it is not the end
Take a few more risks; start from where you stand.
So what if you did not win?
Accept it. Take it on the chin
Not everyone succeeds every time
Some fall, while others climb.
You gave it your all; that you know
But this is not the time to feel low
Although the pace might seem slow
You may succeed with another smart blow.
Work it out and never quit
Fearlessly, have a go at it
You can never say how close you are
The goal may be near when it seems far.
It’s not a bad life, just a bad day
Sweat it all out and you’ll find a way
The night may be dark, it may be long
But keep filling your heart with a song.
Have faith in yourself, try and try
Breathe easy; don’t whine or cry
Face your fears, never just walk away
Because tomorrow might augur and propel better days.
Stop fearing defeats; it is not the end
Take a few more risks; just start from where you stand.